12+ months of Soulwork Vocal Coaching 
& Artist Development in 12 weeks 

*from anywhere, in any time zone

*lifetime access to all modules, videos, & materials + live weekly coaching calls + unlimited feedback for 90 days

"If You Can Walk You Can Dance.
If You Can Talk You Can Sing."

-African Proverb

Your voice is a unique channel. A frequency. 

And yes, after 10+ years of coaching I do believe anyone *who commits* can sing. 

Your voice is a muscle. Muscles have memory. You need a mentor, a personal trainer who can help guide you with your mental and your physical approach to singing, ignite your artistic journey by asking you the right questions and hold you accountable to your soul purpose. 👏 

This is why this program begins FIRST with Vocal Activation.

This looks like grounding, alignment, breath work, chakra clearing, toning, and true connection between you and your highest self. 

Second is Building a Solid Technical Foundation.

This is the bulk of the focus of the program, but in my experience, it works best if you are in touch with your instrument, your body, and allow yourself the space to work through all layers. This looks like lesson modules, warm-ups, and training, alongside building your vocabulary and basic theory so you can dream,  and collaborate without fear or hesitation (if you so choose!)

 The Tertiary focus is Artist Development - Getting In Touch with Your Vision.

How will you apply this voice in the real world? I am going to assist you, ask you the right questions, and work through exercises and prompts to help you find the clarity you have been seeking to express yourself fully when you 
SING with your SOUL! 

I designed this program for:

artists, professionals, hobbyists, poets, musicians, humans, aliens, or anyone wanting to learn how to improve your vocals - drop in and trust your intuitive creative flow and elevate your vocal, artistic, and performance game with true authentic connection to yourself.

You probably have your dreams and your voice on the back burner, the little light is on, but the fear has probably been louder than the will to make it happen.

Let's change that, because I am pretty sure... 🤔 

 You are ready to stop living life on autopilot, be more creative and COMMIT. ✅ 🌈 

When you commit - you hear results and you will have a 100x more conviction as a performer if you bring your authenticity to the table.

As a vocalist and artist myself - I consider singing
the direct line of communication with the soul. I am so glad I took the risk to answer the call of my life's purpose. 

A flood of possibilities has washed over my life over the past decade because I fearlessly cracked open and said "YES" to myself, my voice, and my dream of singing. I had no idea where this journey would lead.

I have traveled all over the world because I said YES to my voice. 


There is truly NO other voice in cosmos with your perspective, lessons, or experience.

That is why singing and sharing your voice can be terrifying. It's literally a record keeper of who we are. And that vulnerability is both liberating and faint-worthy.

HOWEVER - I believe we all have this incredible force inside, and I want to help as many (who are ready to commit) to discover your power and potential in a new way - I want to encourage you to treasure this magic within, cultivate it, and share it!

I've met the most wonderful people, I have shared stages with incredible musicians, and I have been privileged to sing over 1000+ performances with audiences in many settings on many stages. Meanwhile, I founded a non-profit music ecosystem with accredited academic dedicated programming in alternative education, public schools, high schools, middle schools, youth detention facilities, have produced festivals, concerts, events. 

I have had the honor and privilege of coaching hundreds of vocalists and artists 1:1, in the studio, classrooms, guest lectures, panels, band coaching and beyond since 2010. 
(more about that later)

You might never know the gifts, the joy, the collaboration, the relationships, the opportunities, the lessons, the experiences, the beauty and the love waiting for you if you do not take the time to tap into you.

Rule #1 about vocal improvement -Commit to the journey, the process, and unfolding of your own path.

At every level of singing and with any genre you are tapping into comes the discovery of your message, your mission, your values, your purpose. And POOF. The artist is born 😉 

I know that with this sense of self discovery comes creativity, and with that comes power. You can literally (cellularly and energetically) shift your fear, your doubt, your shyness, your hurt, your expression, and your shadow with what I call vocal alchemy and it could change your life, for the better. 

This is a magical process. And yes, its all wrapped into the simple act of taking the time to study the intrinsic and technical aspects of your own voice.

AND THIS IS WHY I am sharing my life's work with you in this vocal mentorship intensive.

Even if you do not wish to pursue this course...


(every day btw 😜 )



And HEY! 

It's 2023. The earth is calling us forward -

We can find a million reasons to use our voice to point out suffering of ourselves and others, or we can take that same energy and transmute it, transform it, and use it for betterment. This is the purpose of art and music, right? 

Do you know that your voice is that powerful?

You can sing and pose questions... call out the elephant in the room...sing to be blunt...messy...unpredictable...to explore...to feel something, to be real, to be dreamy; to feel. Period. 

Bridge a connection with yourself and others. 

To be daring in the fullness of your existence. 

In my experience of both performing and teaching -

 This is what voice is really all about.

By you doing you, you give someone else permission to do the same. The message: be authentic; unapologetically yourself.

 What we cover in the program will benefit your voice for singing at home, the studio, or the stage. 

You wanna sing. Be more in touch with your voice, your body, and be in a safe space to level up and open to a totally new experience of vocal potential? In the intensive mentorship we will go through these major Q&A's

  • ​how to get out of the way of your potential? 
  • how to command space without seeming pretentious?
  • ​what is your authentic vocal resonance?
  • ​how trust your voice and build reliable vocal tone?
  • ​how to remove blockages in the throat chakra?
  • ​how to center and be intentional when you’re nervous? 
  • ​how to take steps to make or further your vocal career? 
  • ​how to take risks?
  • ​how to pursue opportunities and create opportunities that seem just out of reach?

As we progress through each session you will discover 
a deep vocal wizard hat filled with magical tips, tricks, and habits you can solidify to develop proper technique and become a master of your voice, and learn to command and control each performance with soul

✅  tone, pitch, presence

✅   the difference in voices (full/chest, head, and mixed) 

✅  transitions

✅   articulation & diction 

✅  vowel shapes 

✅  inflection & style

✅   riffs, runs, and melisma

✅   the power of authenticity

✅   using your unique voice 

✅  projection

✅   emoting & character development

✅   dynamics and ownership 

✅   basic theory for voice 

✅  claiming your space & the importance of grounding

✅   mic technique and performance tips/tricks

✅   basics of harmony and blending

and lots more!

PLUS. This is NOT boring. This is fun stuff! 👏 
Just WAIT until we get into character development, 
attitude, authenticity, and manipulating the energy of a room.

The time is now ⏳ 


the process
the act of self-love
your true expression
your creative inclination
your inspiration
your authenticity

Trust Yourself ✅
Over the past decade of voice & artist coaching, I have developed a holistic approach for singers that want to experience massive vocal evolution

In 12 weeks, you will develop confidence & connection while you 
step into your personal soul power with your voice as the medium.

Below is a photo of me in my element, on tour, fully embodied, somewhere in the Netherlands last year. I would have never allowed her to flourish and shine had I not been obsessed with the process of death and rebirth that I have experienced in the past 10 years of taking risks, sharing my voice, growing and evolving. 

Like many of us tend to be - I used to be shy - I kept myself and my dreams, creativity and soul on the back burner, until a series of big life lessons cracked me open and I learned to trust myself and my voice and lean into my true power. 

Over a decade later - I look back on all that I have experienced, my life as a musician and a vocalist, all of the tours, people, places, connections, students, and this beautiful weaving of my life - and I am so grateful to have unearthed a version of me I knew was there waiting for me to reach out and take her hand.

I discovered my element through this process I have been teaching hundreds of vocalists and artists for over a decade. This is the process I am about to teach you if you are ready to say yes to your heart and your voice.

Like I said, it ALL begins with trust 🖤 It is an unfolding, a discovery process. 
This is a sacred contract between you and you.

Why singing is soulwork 

This 3 month program is a time for you to commit sacred time for you. 

We're going far beyond the solid technical foundation required for performance

In the beyond -I'm going to take you on a dive into self-initiation, trust and transformation using your voice. Unlock what is holding you back from your true power and alignment with your most powerful vocal & creative expression. 

No more hiding - no more playing small. This is a time for you to stand in your light and shine. No more self-limiting, self-judgement, and peril to your creative expression.

It is time to TRUST YOURSELF. It is time to listen to your intuition ✔️ 


your voice
 creative flow


12 Weeks of 
Vocal Transformation 
Lesson Modules 
( + 5 bonus packs! )
with *lifetime access*

12 months worth of lessons in 12 weeks!


12 weeks of Weekly Live Coaching Calls Performance & Artistic Accountability
where the magic happens...


A Sacred Creative Community + Unlimited Feedback
 safe space to share your progress, your songs, your ideas

What People Are Saying...

(below is a sneak peak into your 90 day lesson plan outline) - 
yours to keep = lifetime access to all modules, vids, lessons & content


what this program includes:


12 week 
self-paced vocal lesson modules 

(*lifetime access)

Self-paced, vocal lesson modules from the privacy of your own space - from anywhere in any time zone

own your vocal power
  • 10+ years of vocal coaching experience bundled into self-led lesson modules 
  • ​12 months worth of vocal study in a 12 week intensive 
  • ​Intensive vocal foundation, basic & advanced style modules including exploration of range, voices and registers, transitions, stylization, improv, diction, character
  • how to commit: the importance of muscle memory and daily practice
  • ​build upon basic vocal music theory, time, tempo, intros/outros, for collaboration and articulating your music or songs in a group setting
  • ​learn to speak the language of music - basics that all vocalists need to know
  • Lifetime Access: the videos, modules, and content are yours to revisit 


12 weeks of LIVE coaching calls

(*lifetime access to replay)

  • ​12 weeks of live group coaching calls hot-seat vocal coaching 
  • share, ask questions, get feedback, and positive critique upon invitation
  • nurturing & accountability 
  • ​treat it like a performance zone
  • ​weekly topics, how to's and specialized vocal tips + tricks
  • a space to ​hone in on your personal & artist mission
  • ​live Q&A and deep dive into the modules
  • all ​calls will be recorded and available after the live session


Membership in OYVP Creative Community 
+ Unlimited Personalized Feedback

  • Discord OYVP Creative Community - (no more fb groups!) upload your videos, audio, songs, and ideas or any media - 
  • ​share your progress, songs, ideas
  • ​be bold and connect with the community about your dreams and vision 
  • ​be brave and share your personal journey
  • ​connect and network with other OYVP creative community members
  • ​Plus unlimited personalized 1:1 audio/video feedback (from me) 😊 your Coach for the duration of the program via whatsapp

PS. there's more 🌈 


#1 The Vocal Canvas 
#2 Vocal Activation 

(*lifetime access)

THE VOCAL CANVAS - how to use your voice like an artist

  • drop in an stylize - riffs, runs, melisma guidance
  • ​vowel shaping guide for diction
  • ​range extension
  • ​break down the grey areas - every basic know-how the recording artists use
  • an easy guide to ​simplify the secrets of good singers
  • ​combos between style, vocal registers, dynamics, and vowel shaping
  • ​learn how to tap into the power belt and the secret voice no one talks about
  • ​learn about your "break" 
  • ​good habits for vocal care

VOCAL ACTIVATION - voice as a sacred instrument

  • guided grounding exercises
  • how to connect more deeply with your body and instrument
  • ​chakra and energy clearing exercises 
  • creative voice play exercises
  • ​using your voice as a channel
  • ​more meaningful connection to your songs and spirit


#3 Self-Initiated Alchemy
#4 Trust Your Creative Voice

(*lifetime access)

SELF-INITIATED ALCHEMY - turning shadow energy into creativity

  • ​how to turn shadow power for creative flow
  • unblocked creative - a journey
  • writing exercises for songwriting and poetry
  • ​developing ideas
  • ​identifying your project - (can be used on multiple projects)
  • ​discovering your mission & accountability

TRUST YOUR CREATIVE VOICE - developing intuition as an artist

  • forgiveness exercises
  • calling in the vision 
  • intuitive flow - creative exercises 
  • ​defining your project and taking charge 
  • ​outlining your next steps 



(*lifetime access)

  • daily vocal warmups 
  • vocal registers and expanding range
  • ​stylizing
  • ​riffs and runs
  • ​dynamics
  • ​break or transition 
  • ​mixed voice, power, and belting
  • ​sooo many more.... rinse and repeat - to build muscle memory

      This is not just a vocal lesson factory...

      Embark on a journey of discovery withVocal Activation,Shadow Work&Artist Development  
      This program is not for everyone. I designed this 12 week program to assist those willing to make a commitment to themselves. 
      This a big-picture approach and transformation for those seeking full embodiment as a Vocalist & Artist. 

      What is holding you back from your true expression? 

      "Remember who you are. Remember the magic. Remember the songs. 
      Remember why we're here. This is a powerful era of our 
      collective consciousness and creativity is the currency"

       - Ashley Christine Edwards - Founder of The Honey Society & iAM MUSIC
      Ashley Christine Edwards is currently writing, recording, and performing music with her bands based in CO.

      Ashley is the co-founder of 501(c)3 non-profit music ecosystem iAM MUSIC and festival iAM MUSIC Fest! She developed the mission and vision of the organization at 25, and has been coaching & mentoring artists, bands, performers and vocalists from studios to alternative education facilities, classrooms, conferences, and colleges, as well as hosting and producing events, concerts, festivals, workshops, and while developing accredited music programming and bringing up artists with her on the journey for over 10 years.

      She is also the founder and curator of The Honey Society (a virtual hive) and empowers effeminate creatives through the MUSE Collective in the Southwest.

      Apply now to receive your 🔑  to the portal with access to the full OYVP bundle, plus all 5 bonuses with discounted pricing. We will schedule a breakthrough session to see if we are a good fit.

      pps. this is my life's work & its yours for life 🗣🎙 ❤️ 

      Thank you for taking the time to connect. Wherever you go, go with all your heart! 

      with gratitude, 

      Own Your Vocal Power - Activate Your True Voice
      this is a commitment to yourself.
      2023 Own Your Vocal Power - Trust Your Creative Voice
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